Village Rental Homes
Vincent Village affordable rental housing provides privately subsidized housing to families exiting Vincent House and other shelters in the city of Fort Wayne.
Families graduating from Vincent House and other local shelters can continue to receive supportive services and privately subsidized rent in one of Vincent Village's 34 program homes as they continue their climb out of homelessness. This phase lasts up to 5 years giving families enough time to build their credit scores and reduce their debt in order to ensure eventual, complete self-sufficiency. Phase II families have access to Youth Services programs and are encouraged to participate in the HOME academy classes, financial literacy workshops and other on-site training. Each family has intensive case management to help set and monitor goals, and to assist with emergency services such as utility assistance or food pantry vouchers. Families can also participate in the Voices of the Village Tenant Council which meets monthly to plan neighborhood events, host guest speakers, work together to heighten neighborhood safety, and hold events such as garage sales and winter coat giveaways.