Have a question about Vincent Village? We may have it answered, below. If not, contact us and we'll be happy to get in touch.
- Is Vincent Village a Catholic organization?
- What leads families to homelessness?
- Does Vincent Village teach skills or just give handouts?
- How long does Vincent Village serve families? Is it a short term issue?
- How long does Vincent Village serve families? Is it a short term issue?
- Does lack of education contribute or exacerbate the crisis of homelessness?
- What do residents have in common?
- Does Vincent Village duplicate services offered by other agencies in Fort Wayne?
- 1. Is Vincent Village a Catholic organization?
No, although one of Vincent Village’s founders was Bishop John Darcy, the agency was founded by leaders of multiple faiths.
- 2. What leads families to homelessness?
Unemployment is the single largest factor in why families experience homelessness.
- 3. Does Vincent Village teach skills or just give handouts?
Vincent Village takes every opportunity to empower residents to realize their maximum potential. Each adult resident has a structured 40 hour a week schedule that includes:
- Intensive Case Management
- Financial literacy and budgeting classes
- Job readiness training
- Employment and educational opportunities
- Mentoring from business volunteers
- Classes focused on wellness, physical and emotional
- Appointments attending to family health and stability
- 4. Does Vincent Village serve any homeless individual or family?
Vincent Village only serves families, a single mother, single father, married couple or couple with children together. The agency refers single men or women to other shelters that serve that population.
- 5. How long does Vincent Village serve families? Is it a short term issue?
A family experiencing homelessness is served first in Vincent Transitional Shelter for up to 2 years as they work to gain employment, pay off old utility bills and save money for move out expenses. The average amount of time spent in Vincent House is 93 days. Once a family is ready, they can transition to the Phase II program and move to one of 30 program houses in Village Rental Homes. Families can participate in the Phase II program for up to 5 years. They continue to receive intensive case management as they work to pay off debt and increase their credit score.
- 6. Does lack of education contribute or exacerbate the crisis of homelessness?
Over half of Vincent Village clients have a GED or high school diploma and 25% of clients enter the shelter with some college or a two year degree.
- 7. What do residents have in common?
The largest single commonality shared by Village clients is having prior experiences of family violence.
- 8. Does Vincent Village duplicate services offered by other agencies in Fort Wayne?
Vincent Village’s rental home program is the only such program in the area serving clients from all area shelters including Charis House, FWWB Transitions Program, Hope House, YWCA & Interfaith Hospitality by providing permanent housing opportunities for families with limited income and poor rental history.